To forgive or not..

So, I’m in my new found self of love and joy but I still have to deal with ‘low energy’ people from my past. How do you deal with people who have dealt with you badly in a positive way? How do you overcome the pains of yesterday and move on?

The answer is by forgiving. Yes, the act of forgiving literally sets you free! Free from fear, free from hate, free from all those low energy feelings!

How does forgiveness do this? By forgiving the person/situation you allow for your feelings to become detached from the situation. When you no longer hold any feelings you become free and able move on!

Right in this moment forgive anyone who has done you wrong. Release the situation and continue to do this until you feel the weight of your feelings become light and you become free!!

Take a hint

So my self discovery journey started at the beginning of this year. Since that time I’ve been praying to realize what my true passion is. What is my purpose? What was I created to do? How can I be of service to others?

Today I believe that I’ve been given direction. There are many times in life when we are guided to do (or not) do something but we ignore the voice. Not this time. I hear it and it keeps repeating itself so I’m listening. This could be it! This could be the answer I’ve been praying for. I’m taking a leap of faith and following the small voice.

This could be greatness calling!

To be or not to be..

To be or not to be that is the question. To be or not to be what you ask? The answer is positive. To be or not to be positive and give off positive energy at all times. By now most have at least heard about the power our thoughts have on our lives. With this knowledge we truly appreciate the benefits of being positive at all times. But what abou7t when dealing with an annoying or rude person? How do we maintain a state of bliss when faced with difficult people? It is during these times that we have to look deep within ourselves to see what lesson their actions are trying to show us. You see everyone we interact with is a reflection of a part of ourselves. If the other persons actions appear annoying to you then that is a part of you that either needs to develop or be healed.

The next time your in a ‘To be or not to be’ situation choose to stay positive and try to recognize the lesson that is being taught. Take the time to recognize the part of you that is being reflected through another. This practice will allow you the opportunity to heal all relationships but also to develop and understand yourself. Everyone is your mirror…what are you seeing?

Becoming more aware.

Why is it important to become more aware and what exactly does that mean? Being aware and living in the moment provides you the ability to control the decisions you make which will eventually change your life. When you become more aware, you are better able to separate your thoughts and feelings from yourself. You will be able to recognize that you are not your thoughts.

How exactly do you live in the moment? By becoming aware and emersing yourself completely into whatever experience you’re having. Completely take in and become one with the sights and sounds around you.

Take the time to become aware of life. Stop and watch a squirrel skurry up a tree or an army of ants working together. Whatever it is just become more aware by completely merging with the experience as one.

Change your thoughts and change your life.


Time is an illusion but it flies!

It’s been four months since my last post and I honestly can’t believe the time has passed so quickly. So what has been going on? As mentioned in my previous post I started my beauty business. This entailed registering my business name, creating a logo and business cards, social media sites, ordering products etc. I can say that despite my passion and time spent on the business I have yet to sell one product. Despite this im grateful for the experience and hold fast to my vision of being an online business owner.

Aside from my business I’ve been focusing on creating the life I truly want. While doing this process I realized that I didn’t really know exactly what I wanted in life. I now realize that the first step in creating the life you want is knowing what it is!

I want a life of financial freedom and abundance in all areas of my life. I wish to know what my purpose is so I can start sharing my gift with others. This has been some journey since the beginning of the year and half way through the year I’m blessed to see the changes in my life so far.

Stay tuned on this journey!





Tides are shifting

It’s been awhile since my last post and I’ve grown and seen so many positive changes since that time. For one I followed my heart and married my high school sweetheart. Many may be against our marriage but the new me lives life on my terms. I’m extremely happy and excited for the future. I’m also learning to master my thoughts and recognize how they control my life. Of course I slip into negative thinking once on awhile but I no longer remain in that space. This is a great progress as once you control your thoughts you can control your life. Further I’ve plunged head first into starting my business. I now believe that I am deserving of a prosperous and beautiful life and I declare it into my existence now!

I’m listening God..

What a turn of events over this past week. What started with down payment for a wedding ended in sorrow. I initially saw this situation as a sign from the universe that this wedding was not to be. After truly accepting the situation I realize that it’s just God saying not now as I deserve better. Better circumstances better life ,better finances, better love for self, better everything! An article I was directed to has helped me to understand how my subconscious affects my life and has added to my layer of positivity. I now focus on solutions and not problems and recognize that I AM able to live the life of my dreams. So you’ve read in previous posts of all my goals and even though I  haven’t taken action on any, I’m thankful for my creative power. I now rely on the creative power / God to guide me to a fulfilling life of joy and peace! I’m excited to create and now believe I can as I was made in HIS image and likeness.

Dreams are coming true!!

20+ years ago I met my soul-mate but at that time I didn’t realize it. Over the years I’ve realized that the boy I met as a teenager is the man I was born to love. He’s not perfect but I love him simply because he exists with all his faults. Time hasn’t been kind to us but our love has proven to be stronger than both time and distance. I’m stepping out in faith to declare my love for this man before God and feel that it’s my souls calling to do so. When I started this blog one of my goals/desires was to get married and now it feels as if it’s all coming true. Love is the strongest power there is and with it you can conquer everything and all things.

The time is now..

The time is now! The time for change, the time for peace, the time for victory, the time for love, the time for healing, the time for renewal, the time for positivity, the time for forgiveness, the time to let go, the time to dream, the time to live, the time to believe, the time to achieve, the time to live in truth.

I accept responsibility for my life, the time is now!!


The power of awareness

This is the third time I’m trying to post this entry and hopefully this time it works.  Almost the end of month 1 of my positivity journey and as noted in a previous post at times its difficult to remain positive in the moment. When there are negative people with whom you must interact, it becomes necessary to rely on the power of love. Love in it’s true state knows no boundaries for it is the substance that is everywhere. As I write this im realizing that I’m not living my truth. I’m not conquering negativity with positivity, darkness with light etc etc. Still attached to the ego and the body instead of the spiritual and God. To be aware of this is both a blessing and a curse, for merely feeling negative feelings goes against the very truth I’m trying to live. My love is continously given to my soul mate and our genuine love for each other encourages me to carry on.

Truth and Love.